If you’ve been thinking about getting a pug you may have found yourself asking whether the breed sheds or not. In a word: yes. (In two more: a lot.)
Shedding is an important natural process that helps protect a dog’s skin and regulate their body temperature, and all dogs shed to some degree. That being said, pugs are one of the heaviest shedders out there. Read on to learn about the different factors that impact their shedding.
If you recently got a pug and think you lucked out with a pup that doesn’t shed much, think again. Most shedding doesn’t actually start until a pug is around 1 year old — when their coat has had time to fully fill in.
Surprisingly, color does play a factor when it comes to shedding. Pugs typically have a double coat — more on that later — which is a big factor when it comes to how much they shed. But, black pugs are much more likely to have a single coat and, in turn, shed less.
Time of year
Don’t be fooled: pugs shed all year round. But, pugs with a double coat shed even more at the beginning of the summer and again at the end of the fall. This is what’s known as “blowing their coat” — basically, they shed one layer so that they can make room for their winter or summer layer. Think about it like them rotating their coat closet but… messier.
What you can do about it
There are some ways you can make shedding a bit more manageable. First off, having a consistent grooming routine — brushing your pug at least 3 times a week, and preferably every day — is key. You’ll be proactively removing hair that’s fallen out but hasn’t quite made it to your floor yet.
Lint brushes are a pug owner’s best friend — second to their pug, of course — and there are some heavy duty vacuums you may want to invest in if you’re dedicated to the breed. But, considering all of the good parts that comes with a pug (a personal comedian and endless cuddles, to name a few), shedding is an easy thing to overlook.